Preggy Fitness: Prenatal Stretching

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Pregnancy changes a lot of things. From the obvious physical change, to the more hidden change that occurs in your heart and in your mind, expecting mothers are in for a roller coaster ride of life events. Exercising during pregnancy used to be very frowned upon because women were often seen as delicate due to their size and condition. But these days, you’re good to exercise as long as your workout routines are OB approved.

A great way that can both center your mind and prepare yourself for the impending changes is by stretching. According to the Mayo Clinic, keeping fit and working out while you’re expecting has a ton of benefits:

Better Sleep
One of the many obstacles expecting mothers have is a change in their sleeping patterns and quality of sleep. Stretching is great exercise that will definitely help facilitate a better and deeper sleep.


Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Another thing most pregnant women experience is the stress and jitters that come with ushering a new life into the world. Stretching helps you to keep these nervous feelings at bay by teaching you techniques and breathing exercises to relax and keep your cool.

Increased Flexibility and Strength
Labor is an intense experience that requires a lot of stamina, strength, and some level of flexibility. Pushing from anywhere between an hour to three days is a daunting yet rewarding challenge that can be made easier by prenatal stretching. Prenatal stretching prepares pregnant women by exercising the muscle groups that are commonly used during the birthing process. It also helps the muscles stretch out so the moms-to-be are more ready for labor.


Decreased Aches and Pains
Another side effect of pregnancy are the aches and pains that accompany the growing baby bump. The further along women are in the pregnancy, the more their body changes to accommodate the baby, so there are some inevitable aches and pains that come with the changes. By working out during stretching sessions, some of these aches can decrease due to the improved range of movement and muscle strengthening.

Keeping fit during pregnancy is definitely a great idea, but always make sure to clear your workout plans with your OB and listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard and just have fun!


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