5 Steps to Help You Make Time for What’s Important

In recent decades, work-life balance has become a commonly shared concern and prayer among people who work. Whether you’re a parent working full-time in the corporate world or someone working from home, finding that balance between working and everything else in life is a challenge.

It’s important to find that balance between work and life. Many people tend to look for that sweet spot in between work and life, but sometimes neglect both in the process. More often, people tend to focus on work and end up neglecting the more important things in life like family and other important life events.

To find that balance, people should look beyond what is right in front of them and distinguish what is always urgently tugging at you from what is important and needs your thoughtful and focused attention. Do what really needs to be done and make time for what’s important, like family.

Here are a few great tips that can help you achieve that sweet spot and set you up for success.

1. Identify the vital areas of your life and your priorities in each one

Before you figure out your priorities, it is necessary to define the vital areas of life and to rationalize why these are important. it’s important to draw up a list of what’s important. For instance, aside from work, there is family (marriage, parenting, home management), there is personal time or rest, there is fitness, etc. From these, identify your goals for each area, then set your priorities.  A mom would have different priorities versus a yuppie straight out of college. Make sure you set your priorities in a way that matches what is truly important to you and where you currently are in life.

2. Set negotiables and non-negotiables

Setting negotiables and non-negotiables is another really great way to make time for what’s important. Here, you can go through your list of priorities and really think about how to go about them.

3. Translate your goals into your calendar and daily schedule

After setting up your negotiables and your non-negotiables, you can set up your schedule. Put in your non-negotiables first and then follow up with your negotiables right after. This way, you make sure you have the time to do what you need to do. After getting your non-negotiables down, then you can start to look at your calendar and figure out what else you can do with the time that you have left.

4. Work to your strengths

Are you a great organizer? Are your scheduling skills above and beyond expectation? Can you solve problems in one glance? Everyone has different strengths. Some people may excel in organizing, scheduling, and problem solving, but others have different strengths as well. Maybe your strength is being compassionate, or maybe it’s sharing and being kind. The more you play to your strengths, the faster you get to finish your pending tasks. Whatever your strengths are, make sure you leverage them and use them to your advantage in order to get the very best results from whatever you’re working towards.

5. Make sure you have time for yourself

Taking time out of your day to rest is an essential part of making time for what’s important because your own physical and mental wellbeing should be a non-negotiable. When you’re busy or feel overwhelmed, make sure to carve out some time in the day to take care of yourself. Whether it’s spending time with your kids, doing some housework, or just basking in some silence and stillness after a tough day, self-care is not just  key in making time for what’s important, it is a vital area in life in itself.

Do you have any helpful tips to find balance between life and work? Let us know by sharing in the comments down below!

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