Say NO to Sunburned Wallets this Summer

It’s summertime once again! The sea is calling for a day or two at the beach to beat the scorching urban heat. It’s the perfect time to relax and unwind. But don’t let your summer vacation bring you sunburns and sunburned wallets.

Lifelong Resolutions

Some goals we cannot keep because of their lack of significance to be valued. These are the types of resolutions that are easy to let go the moment they feel inconvenient, irrelevant, and vexing. But before backing out of resolutions altogether, it is probably wise to change the type of goals we set for ourselves.

Make Things Happen to Stay the Course

In pursuing any lasting change in our lives, we need to change our minds first. That is to exercise our self-discipline muscle throughout the year to make small things happen. We can choose to make things happen every day – rather than just let things happen to us – until we meet our bigger goals.

Crawl before Walking, Walk before Running: Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle

Transitions are an important part of growth and of each learning process the same way a baby learns to first sit, crawl, stand, and then walk. This new year, if you have decided to get healthier, give yourself a substantial amount of transition.

Live According to What is Most Important to You

Are you focusing on what is really important to you? Do you sense that your life is balanced? It’s easy to get off course here. To most, life may feel like juggling where balance is elusive and the balls are breakable. But there is way to keep the balls that matter most up in the air.